Welcome with your backpack.
As a therapist, as a guide, I walk with you until you get home, until everything is right.
My formation as a therapist began when I wanted to understand and solve suffering. The search for identity and self-esteem set me on a path of emotional-mental therapy and development, spirituality and introspection, experiencing everything. Learning to inhabit my body became an anchor to spread my wings. 'Nurturing' myself, I follow my inspiration, both for my own path in life and in my role as a therapist. I remain amazed that everything, absolutely everything, is there for healing, liberation and love.
In addition to my work, I often feel like being outside, dancing, reading, going to the theater and concerts, art, cooking and painting.
Live with my life partner Hugo. Aunt and grandmother are my honorary titles.
As a 'True friend', with a quiet mind and an open heart, I am present for you on your path of healing and development.
Gabor Maté
Paths to healing
Illness, injustice, misfortune, confusion: they can happen to ourselves and our loved ones, in different manifestations.
While love and pure presence are also omnipresent.
Ericksonian hypnotherapy works with the subconscious, where the inner child, the protector, the pleaser, the saboteur, as well as deep memories and unprecedented abilities reside. In stressful situations - from this life and possibly also from previous lives - survival mechanisms are activated that no longer really serve us. Through therapy you can invite them as allies who support you in what you want to achieve and experience. Processing and healing trauma allows you to consciously make different, healthy choices. Allowing feelings into the body is part of healing conditions that express themselves in pain, emotions and negative beliefs.
My guidance towards being courageous, clear and powerful in life is always in line with what you come up with and what you want to achieve.
You are welcome if you are struggling with feeling down, insecurity, fear and compulsion/perfectionism, phobias, addictions, eating disorders, traumatic experiences, inexplicable physical problems/pain, burn-out, identity problems, life questions, loss and disruptive experiences, relationship problems.
Pain and joy both manifest themselves in the (partner) relationship, which has both liberating and limiting sides... What is the relationship with the other based on? The more deeply we are involved with each other: our likes, dislikes, projections and unfulfillment are reflected in the relationship as much as love, truth and fulfillment. The individual process of healing always also happens in the relationship with the other.
A relationship doesn't have to be permanent and it certainly changes over time.
Relationship therapy is suitable if you want to explore and question the mutual dynamics in the relationship together and unlock new, healthy possibilities.
Free will is an important fact, especially in light of the current rapid development of Artificial Intelligence and what else is coming our way.
We can discover and develop our free will through deep and sincere self-examination. We do this through self-study based on a book text, after all, we also need knowledge. Once every 14 days we meet in a small group for 1.5 hours. I provide guidance through meditations and awareness exercises that are in line with the subject that has been studied and linked to our daily life experiences. With depth, humor and lightness.
Anyone who works with people, such as therapists, teachers, doctors, informal caregivers, has to deal with projection, transference and countertransference and dependency patterns. These disrupt the openness and intended effect in the contact. Behavior and motivation are partly determined unconsciously by automatisms. Supervision and further training are about self-care, self-knowledge and advancement of expertise.
You are welcome for one-on-one sessions. I you want to join with a small group -max. 4-, participants will receive a questionnaire, for mutual coordination.
You can contact me without obligation to find out if there is a connection and to get a feeling of how we can work together. If you want to work with me, I will submit a treatment agreement for you to sign, in accordance with the regulations of my professional association. At the start of a therapy process we do an intake.
My rate is €100 for a one hour session.
Depending on the supplementary policy of your health insurance, you will receive a (partial) reimbursement.
Ik kwam bij Marie-Christine omdat ik overwoog een carrière switch te maken en in kringetjes bleef denken. Marie-Christine luisterde goed naar mijn verhaal, stelde de goede vragen, en gebruikte imaginatie technieken om niet alleen verstand maar ook gevoel te laten werken. Na een sessie bij haar voelde ik me altijd veel lichter en kon ik van nieuwe kanten naar mijn leven en keuzes kijken. Grote dank Marie-Christine!
Suzanne Verver, immunoloog
Wat me opviel was dat je zeer positief stond tegenover mijn verdere zoektocht langs de reguliere artsen en specialisten en me daarvoor ook suggesties aan de hand deed.
Ik ben op weg naar mijn genezing. Dankzij jouw behandelingen, je wijze raad en de oefeningen die jij suggereerde ben ik op de goede weg.
Marian Kok-Nieuwenhoff
In de privé sessies met Marie-Christine voel ik me helemaal gezien, zonder oordeel of sturing. Het is veilig en ook heel vertrouwd door de hartsverbinding die ik ervaar.
Albertine van Peursen
I think what you manage to do really well is to create a real sense of holding which allows me to 'let go'.
Dankzij haar integriteit, ervaringen en inlevingsvermogen is zij in staat mij als cliënt inzicht te laten krijgen en verlichting te vinden van blokkades in mijzelf.
Pamela van Duyvenboode
Zij vraagt door, luistert opnieuw, open, zonder vooringenomenheid, met veel geduld en betrokkenheid. Zij gaat zorgvuldig aan het werk, kijkt, bespreekt wat nodig is, stelt iets voor, vraagt na. Zij gaat niet alleen met m’n lichaam aan de slag maar met mijn hele persoon. Zij geeft me de mogelijkheid te ontdekken wat er is, mijn eigen antwoorden te vinden, in een ontspannen en warme sfeer. Dit heeft een versterkende, helende uitwerking op mij.
Els de V.
Sessies bij haar voelen als onderhoud voor lichaam en ziel. Marie-Christine is in mijn ogen een zeer betrokken, integer en wijs mens.
Eugène van Veldhoven, Industrieel ontwerper
Je voelt je werkelijk ondersteund door haar kennis en liefde in dit proces. Zij heeft autoriteit als coach van lichaam en ziel maar weet dit zo in te zetten dat je eigen tempo geen geweld wordt aangedaan.
Joke Geraets, Dirigent
In de bijeenkomsten van Marie-Christine heb ik me altijd vrij gevoeld;
Voor mij, ondergetekende die bij wantrouwige gedachten zich dwangmatig afsluit,
werkt dit helend: de echtheid van Marie-Christine
Ingrid Blankemeijer
I loved your open and warm presence and your very clear guidance. For me it felt as being in front of a real true friend as I could not feel any personal issue from your side - in a good way of course!
Saskia Nitsche, Berlin
Haar manier van communiceren is heel prettig, heel helder en oordeelvrij. Zo kom ik snel tot de kern en daar kan ik dan met haar met vriendelijkheid naar kijken. Ook leert ze me gereedschappen die ik in moeilijke situaties kan gebruiken om mezelf te helpen.
Britt Horstink
Marie-Christine heeft mij goed op weg geholpen toen ik overprikkeld en gestrest was door een situatie op het werk. Ze ziet goed wat er op een bepaald moment nodig is.
Ik was wat huiverig om hypnotherapie te proberen, maar dat bleek super effectief.
Mirjam, Den Haag
Op goede gronden wordt Marie-Christine door mij van harte aanbevolen. Zij wordt door mij gezien als een integere leermeester en gids. Zonder inbreuk te doen op de authenticiteit van de persoon.
Ingrid Blankemeijer
I would be happy to be invited to give a lecture about hypnotherapy: how it works, for which complaints it can be used with positive results and what limitations there may be.
On request I can make a quote for a project for your employee.
I am also available for consultation regarding your patient/client.
Conditions Individual treatment/guidance Your privacy and care invoice
As a registered therapist, I am registered with the professional association for Hypno- and Psychosocial therapists, the NBVH, and as such I am accountable for meeting set quality requirements and the laws applicable to anyone who works therapeutically with people.
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